Depression & Suicidal Thoughts
"Tami and her work have been a tremendous gift. She has helped my kids, now in their 20s, who have struggled with suicidal thoughts for years, to face each day without unbearable hopelessness, anxiety, and depression. There is now hope for a joyful future, with a focus on thriving rather than just surviving. Thank you, Tami! Your work is truly amazing!"
- Cindy, New York
"I feel so much happier now that I've been working with you and releasing trapped emotions, it's like a weight has been lifted from me. Thank you so much!"
Sharon Y.
"Tami, I appreciate all that you are doing for me. Your work is making a huge difference in my life. Thank you so much!!"
Joyce W, Oregon
"I’ve learned some about energy work in the past and have been fascinated by the idea that everything in the universe is made of energy. I was introduced to The “Emotion Code” Book and read it with an open mind. Someone I knew had used Tami and was encouraged with the results she was getting as were friends of hers.
The first time I worked with Tami I felt a lightening of emotional burdens from my chest and shoulders, a distinct lightness and feeling that joy filled where before there were burdens, sadness and heaviness. I was amazed at what I had been carrying around for so long and had become accustomed to.
After a few sessions, my TMJ healed about 90% and continues to heal. My anxiety levels which I have struggled with most of my life, have calmed dramatically. I no longer have to take medications for them. Pain in various areas of my body have lessened. Each time I complete a session I am again in awe of how she can zero in on specific traumas at very specific times during my life and help to rid them of my system. I would recommend Tami and her energy work to anyone who desires to clear out the emotional to help heal the physical and gain more joy in their lives. She is personable, easy to talk with and truly cares. What a blessing!"
Tricia S, Seattle, WA
For more than 6 months we have dealt with countless emotional melt downs with our 5 year old. I kept telling myself he’d grow out of it or it was just a phase but in the last month or so it had only gotten worse. There were some days he was sobbing close to 10 times a day, over simple things like asking him to eat his dinner, or telling him it was time to pick up. Our whole family was just exhausted. And clearly our poor boy was struggling. Tami worked on him and found almost 200 emotional blocks absorbed from others and that he is an empath. Last week she cleared all of those blocks and he is pretty much back to his normal self now! Such a relief!
We’ll continue doing weekly sessions so we don’t hit this problem again and we’re going to try to make sure to adjust at home so that hopefully he’s not taking on so many emotions from his family. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Nikki C.
"Wow, I have received so many client inquiries since our last session. After having had none for a few weeks they are flowing in one right after another now."
Jenny P.
Dear Tami,
First, I must tell you that yesterday’s session was intense. However, I woke up this morning, groggy at first then while driving to an appointment, started singing a prayer of love and gratitude to God! I have NEVER done anything like that (I mean, I do pray to God but that is amazing)! I sing in the car a lot....just not to God! I feel a new wonderful sense of love for life.....thank you, thank you and thanks again!
With gratitude,Valerie B.
“Since our last session I’ve received 3 inquiries: a client, a health fair and a referral partnership with a fertility clinic. Some energy has definitely got moving! After months of no inquiries. Thank you!”
Janice F.
"Thank you Tami for that session! I felt liberated and happy!!! So light and hopeful! Looking forward to our next session!!"
Lisa W.
“First, I must tell you how important your work was for me, how it really helped my hands (& my knees!?!), my back (!!!) and most importantly the detachment of my x-husband. I needed to speak to him yesterday re finances and felt no guilt, no ‘pull’. I was easily and kindly matter of fact—-this was a feat for me!! Much thanks.”
Valerie B.
"Working with Tami has been amazing. In my very first session, a debilitating pain I’d had in my foot for 5 weeks that was threatening to put me in a wheelchair, plus two years of serious urinary incontinence, both 100% healed. No doctors, chiropractors or physical therapists had been able to help with either. In a subsequent session Tami was able to stop 6 mo of diarrhea. Some other issues have needed multiple sessions to clear (nerve pain in my lower leg is 80% gone) but I continue to be blown away by these results.”
Cari Alter, Spiritual Mentor
"Hey, thanks so much for working with me I'm feeling so much better. My neck hasn't felt this great in what seems like forever!"
Kristi T.
“I've had a couple sessions on relationship abundance with Tami. I've noticed a significant difference in my life. Friends I use to have to work to keep in touch with and invite, are now thinking about me and inviting me. I haven't gone a weekend in a while without a couple different friends reaching out to want to plan something together. It's been amazing and connecting has been so much easier.”
Rebecca C.
"Tami and I started with releasing my Heart walls and Inner child issues. After a couple of sessions I felt lighter, I found that when walking down the street I was standing straighter, naturally. My inner negative dialog was less and much more pleasant and peaceful. I was more relaxed inside my own mind. There were several inherited imbalances, others were of my own making and some were absorbed from others. I was amazed when she brought up a girl friend from when I was ten, I'll soon be seventy. Of course I hadn't thought of her in years but the emotions that came up where spot on. Physically? Oh my! Tami found trapped emotions residing in the colon. My colon produced excess mucus and would release with out warning, totally gross. A couple of sessions later that was a thing of the past. My kidneys were acting like there was a possible trying to pass. Work from Tami changed that as well. The "Masters" guide the direction we pursue now. They have led to lungs, heart, and mind, Improvements. Most notably is when I walk to the shed to get something, I either remember what or I find it easy to recall, I'm still amazed. I'm really looking forward to the next times, wondering.....what else we'll find and get rid of."
Bruce R.
My son, who was 5 at the time, had bad sleep apnea. He would hold his breath while sleeping between 20 and 40 seconds each breath and catch his breath before doing it again. I took a recording of him to an ear, nose,and throat doctor. He confirmed that my son had it and would need surgery. Before considering surgery I decided to have Tami work with him and do a session on him for his sleep apnea. That night it was gone!!! I checked on it several nights after and it was still gone and has stayed gone!! He didn't end up needing surgery. This was a miracle and I feel so blessed to have the knowledge of emotion code and body code to help!!
Sara P.
“I was recently feeling a lot of anger. I don’t even know why but I was so angry with my father, my ex husband and my current husband. They didn’t even do anything per-se I was just really angry, and my poor husband was paying for it. Haha. Anyways...Tami did some body code work on me and an inherited trapped emotion of peeved came up from my fathers side that went 9 generations back. She released it and said it even took her a couple of times because of how strong it was. I can’t say it was immediate, maybe it was, I’m not that good at paying attention but that weekend after she worked on me I did notice that my extreme anger was gone. It was just gone. Just like that. That was a relief to get rid of!”
Patricia S.
"I used to have severe pain during that time of the month. Tami was able to identify all the imbalances that were the underlying cause of the pain I’d been experiencing since I was in high school. It took a few sessions but I can now say that my cycles are pain free. I’m still amazed at how well it’s worked for me."
Brittany W.
“I used to be allergic or intolerant to so many foods. I couldn’t eat anything with milk, wheat, eggs, strawberries and so many other things. I bought a package deal of 10 sessions and we got started. Using muscle testing, Tami was able to quickly identify many imbalances in my body that were causing me to be sensitive to so many foods. I had a lot of toxins that we released and also some heart walls and other trapped emotions too. It took several sessions to pin point all of the reasons for all of my intolerances to different foods but I can now eat all of the things that I never used to be able to eat with no side affects. I’m so grateful that I found her and have this new found knowledge. If you need a place to start buy “The Emotion Code” book and then contact Tami. The knowledge from this book and all the things I learned during sessions with Tami has changed my life.”
Clair R.
“I recently got an infection that I was struggling with for weeks. I was doing everything natural that I could to draw it out and heal it. I finally made an appointment and came to see Tami. The area was horribly swollen and red. And my skin was raw from all of the treatments I’d been doing. She identified what the cause was and released everything she could. Within minutes I felt relief. Later that night the swelling was completely gone! A couple days later the raw skin came off and opened a sore, which was uncomfortable but the infection finally had a place to release and my pain was almost completely gone. She’s released more emotions and imbalances every few days and I can feel and see a difference almost as soon as she’s done! The infection is almost completely gone now and the sore is beginning to heal up!”
Krista Y.
"I love emotion code, body codes, and Tami!!! I've had consistent sessions for 3 years now and its incredible. This healing mode has released and healed major things from emotional pain and physical pain... childhood trauma events, car wreck injuries, divorce, menstrual cramps ... Im a forever believer and grateful for the blessing of this knowledge in my life."
Jennifer M.
Clients For My Business
I've been struggling with my business and with getting clients. The very next day after a session with you I received three messages from new clients wanting to book with me. Thank you, Thank you! Terri K. - California
Middle Back Pain - Gone
I've had consistent middle back pain for at least 3 years. After working with Tami, it's gone and it hasn't come back. Now to work on my lower back pain! I've also had an extreme fear of heights my whole life. Driving over the mountain has always been very scary for me. We've been working on this as well and I can tell you that it has gotten so much better. I can drive over the mountain now by myself. I couldn't do that before. It turns out that one of the major causes of my fear went back to age eight and jumping off the high dive at the swimming pool. I was never brave enough to jump off. Had I jumped off I probably would have been able to overcome this much earlier because I would have seen and felt that it wasn't as scary as it looked. I'm so happy I found out about Tami and this modality. Jean S. - Wyoming
Chronic Lung Issues are Gone
For the past year or so I've been dealing with chronic lung infection issues. I used to be a smoker so that doesn't help at all. I started to need help with oxygen and was barely able to leave my home. It kept getting worse and I was starting to need a breathing treatment with the steroid medication about every hour to keep my lungs open. I was also using the help of oxygen non stop.
I was starting to feel really scared and figured this was the end for me. I'd already been on several rounds of antibiotics and other medicine from the doctor but that wasn't helping at all and my condition just kept going downhill.
Tami approached me one day and asked me if I'd be willing to have a session with her to see if it would help. I figured why not, at this point I'm willing to try anything. I knew she did something to help people, but I wasn't really familiar with what it was.
After one session I couldn't believe the change I felt. I no longer needed breathing treatments and I didn't need the help of oxygen nearly at all. Sometimes I still use it but I think it's more out of habit rather than actually needing it because I've been using it for so long.
It turns out that all the stuff coming up for me were emotions from when I was in Vietnam. There were a lot of PTSD-type emotions related to fear and not feeling safe. Makes sense.
I continue to work with her and have had several sessions since. Each time I feel better and better. My attitude has drastically changed. I don't feel so angry all the time. I used to be a grumpy old man and now I wake up feeling invigorated and alive again. I feel positive and energetic. Oh, and I forgot to mention, my sleep has been amazing. My sleep was terrible before. What Tami has been able to release for me has been life changing.
I only wish that I would have done it much sooner. Arthur C. - Wyoming
Death Of A Loved One
There is no pain that comes close to the loss of a child. Twelve years ago, my 27-year-old son Jeff passed away, leaving behind a two-week-old son and a two-year-old daughter. His death shattered my world in unimaginable ways. The pain and grief I felt were haunting, making it difficult to sleep and even talk about him without breaking down in tears. I thought about him every day, constantly wondering what I could have done to help him.
A friend told me about the Emotion Code and the relief she experienced with Tami's help. I knew it was worth my time and energy to pursue. Tami facilitated a healing process that allowed me to recognize and address emotions that were out of balance. Before working with her, I struggled to understand and embrace Jeff’s death in a healthy way.
With Tami’s guidance and emotional release techniques, I’ve been able to let go of the overwhelming feelings surrounding Jeff’s death. She helped me replace them with positive, healing, and affirming thoughts that honor both Jeff and myself. This transformation has brought balance to my physical and spiritual heart, helping me find a new normal in my life. I'm actually sleeping again for the first time in 12 years.
Today, thanks to Tami, my heart is happy, and I am at peace. The unbearable pain and grief I once felt have transformed into healing and acceptance. Of course, here’s the revised sentence:
I am deeply grateful for Tami’s willingness to share her expertise in releasing trapped emotions and support me on this journey.
Patsy B. - Utah
© 2019